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Saturday, October 24, 2009
yays. EOYs are finally over.

It's something to be happy about yet something not to be happy about.
haiz... happy? no need to mugg. i didnt mug much anyway. hehehehehe.
not happy? i did so lousily for it because i didnt mug.
especially for science. SCIENCE! i think my A fly away liao
dunno how. haiz...
my goals are gone luhh.
i dunno how to do the questions.
ohkay. dead liao.
but since it's over, dun care about it for the weekend (temporarily...)

on thursday, actually wanted to rest at home
butthen lohyimin go and drag me out to watch the interclass.
haha, didnt really regretted it.
first day, beat 1C and 1B easily.
second day, won 1F, lost to 1G
actually, we lost by a little bit only la.
1G too rough already.
but nevermind. drover still rocks! (:

okay. whatever that is
i am going to let my hands relax already.
monday have to enter the hall of corrections liao ):


I wish I could be standing at the beginning with you.
2:54 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
haiz... EOYs coming. cant slack anymore. told myself today's the last day. HEE :D

so i shall take this time to blog. ahem... okay, today i shall wish two people who has officially turned TEENage!
YiMin and Daphne!
congrats to the 2virgos! you're thirteen!
hehe. yimin was so hyper today. i sat beside her cause zixin was absent today. miss you lots zixin.
yimin received lots of presents, all so cool, and made me feel so inferior. LOLs
today had like nothing much larr.
had a maths paper that was so easy -.-
then chinese had tingxie, which i didnt study and would never get full marks for
followed by CME test which yimin claims that you would pass if you had 公德心
which so wasnt true at all lorr.
last lesson was ACC. the stupidest lesson. yimin kept complaining that the teacher was biased and kept picking on her for tossing a 20cent coin. AHAHAH.
then after school, went with yimin to EIGHTEEN CHEF. ((:
they serve nice baked rice, which was affordable and worth the money.
i ordered baked rice, and yimin ordered baked pasta, then the tomato sauce somehow miraculously ended up on her uniform.
kinda pity her maid. haha have to clean for her.
we ordered sides too, cheesy fries. then it was such a large portion that we decided to call for takeaway.
after eating, i went to my mum's bank then wave to her like mad person but she didnt see, i felt so embarassed. this kind of things always happen to me one. LOL
then nothing much. I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MUGGING. haiz...
okay gtg. wont be posting very soon, most probably until the end of october or something. slowly wait. (:


I wish I could be standing at the beginning with you.
5:43 PM

Saturday, August 29, 2009
oh great, this seriously isn't my week.

nothing good happened. not many i should say.
except for science prac. haha i got 13/15. not bad, but alot people did very well too. so nothing to be happy about lol.

erm... oh great, i totally sucked in history. got back my ct, realised i scored a 'c'. nice eh? hmmm... 7/12. that should be my worse mark ever. i hope so. I didn't finish my conclusion for the essay. if not one mark more. crap. ):
i'm beginning to hate history. not hate, just feel sian. cause i hate writing essays. it's so 'naggy'. that's why i've always sucked in english and LA.

okay. then what's next? oh, indoor test. that's worse. everyone in drover who is in band passed the indoor test except for me. EXCEPT FOR ME! again this just proves how suckish i am. LOL. I hate myself for that. then now i'm in the junior junior band instead of the junior DHSSB. LOL. i suck, seriously.

I have decided to practice well the 'down under' piece and then practice super hard for my scales. Oh, and my tonguing too. Really envy those who got in the main band, can play carmen suite. I wanna play carmen suite. I must jiayous for my next indoor which will be after EOY i guess.

omgomgomg, speaking of EOY it's like only 44 days to the first test. omg, such an unlucky number. and i'm so DEAD. especially to start off the exams with my worse subject, LA. It'll dampen my spirits. haha. then I'll have no mood to complete my tests for the remaining 8 days. haiz... dieliaodieliaodieliao...

nvm, i shall not care about it for now. bye, i'm gonna watch my BOF now. haha. (see, that's why i can't do well. I'm still watching tv. haha. ^^)


I wish I could be standing at the beginning with you.
9:22 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2009
ohmygosh. I wanna die.

my results are like crap. 'B' for geog, 'B' for Chinese, 'A' for Maths. There goes my 'A' for geog liao... crapcrapcrap. hopeless me. but i just cannot get myself to study. what to do? haiz... this is retribution for not studying. the stupid geog, gimme half more mork then I 'A' liaos... so pissed lorr. I below average somemore. I think my class average is 'A'. haiz... crap even more.

Rennard the buck tooth has been pestering me with his damn virus. Feel like getting him to go off. Maybe I should block. Okay I shall. LOL. Tell you guys what, I think I'm going crazy. I have been talking to myself. OMG. don't ask me why, I'll swallow you whole. jkjk. I am BORED. finally indoor test over. can slack for awhile.

Speaking of indoor test, I sure diediedie liao lor. The conductor ask me play Eb major, and so I played. play until around G major then he suddenly ask me to play E WHOLETONE! I was like "die liao." Then I really die liao. I started playing crap, hoping that something will come out, nicely. but how too! I dont even know what notes i playing lor. I scared until my hands trembling, then the trunmpet tremble, then the sound also tremble. If i can hear, the conductor sure know one, die liao lor. (I think i have said alot of die liao.)

seriously, cca also no good, studies also no good. everything no good. DIE LIAO LARR! OMG >.< okays gtg lerr. i'll blog again. just wait.


I wish I could be standing at the beginning with you.
6:16 PM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

aiya, feel so satisfied, finish packing maths and geog file. finally. i chiong the whole thing practically, finding my worksheets all over the house. LOL. (:
erm... well, nothing much, was anticipating to get back my papers, but teacher die die dont wanna give back. so sad... but at least, i did not bad for my science. quite a miracle to me... ^^
this week very sian... everyday lessons, friday slack more. monday have some symposium thingy, i dunno what on earth that is, but at least there is no lessons, so that is a good thing, i think. but there's still band. speaking off and, OMG!! INDOOR TEST!! die liao die liao die liao... _-_
nothing much to talk about nowadays, when the results come back, i'll start complaining about the poor results that i deserved for not doing well. shall go off now. bye...


I wish I could be standing at the beginning with you.
11:58 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009
lalala. a week passed again.

quite eventful i should say. hmmph. got a lot of tests.
Monday: History. didnt complete the conclusion for part (b). dammit!
Tuesday, kinda free. -.-
Wednesday: LA test, comprehension. on chimpanzees, dont even know what crap isit talking abt lols. some Jane girl story. die liao
Thursday: La test, summary. Completed it early and slept, cant find much info. also die liao...

See, every exam also dunno how do. how to get 3.4 GPA? haiz... should have been a good girl and studying now, and i'm still blogging. HAHA. okay, forget bout that. dont care lerr.

Oh, yesterday was funnn! We had national day celebration. the year 1s are HIGH! at least my class is. And I didn't know that the recollections had 4 different languages. haha. PV out liao. LOLs. then the principal see us so solemn or something, tell us," if you guys can sing so loud that people from the condo look out, then you all pass. If they come down and sing with you, then you'll score full marks." So my class started to get high, then really got people look out lehh! haha. then we are like laughing. the guys even funnier, stand at the back singing like some choir? but then out of tune one.

Then vivian and I went to foyer collect cake and facial crayons. Then i know that they prepared lollipops as class gifts for the class. waste my money for buying pokey for them and regine's 'Best singer award' prize. But i think pocky should be better right? :D

The game started, actually wanted vivian, anni and regine to help, but teacher say cannot. so sorry. )): dont be angry. got them into groups of sixes and then teacher went on with the game. I stand at one side count marks. First round is call what "National Day Trivial Game" or something. Joshua's group won. about general knowledge one. They most probably guessed their way through or something lols. then second round had to play "dont forget the lyrics - national day version". Then they had to sing. Wahahahahahah... I am the judge. But when the game was being carried out, David's group keep singing, then i cannot hear the other groups. very hard give bonus. But in the end, Isabelle's group win. David's group lose by one mark. so sad. haha.

then that's the end of school lorr, did i miss anything out? hmmm...

ZiXin: thks for telling me I didn't even realise it myself. haha. :P
Vivian: LOL vivian. I forgot to tag you. sorry. ): but dunnid to sabo me right. haha. linked you lerr. ^^
Steph: Linked!. Oh, and i shall link chensoh too!. ((:

I wish I could be standing at the beginning with you.
10:48 AM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
wa! so long never post liao. got alot of tests coming up. let's see what happen last time.

erm... last week was racial harmony celebration, and everyone had to wear some kind of traditional costumes, that the school borrowed to take pictures. whatthe... can't find anything nice, and the baju-kurung was horrible. >.< then we had to create a powerpoint on the malays. that one was easy. just copy and paste info then site references can liao. anyways it's not graded.

Then, my bro is also sick, have fever. since thursday all the way till sunday i think. the fever damn high. i very scared something will happen to him. choychoy. but heng he recover liao. :D

ohya, then yesterday 6 people never come school, all on LOA or mc. omg. then got a few of them sit very near me lehh. Later they tio then i maybe dunnid go school liao. haha. but today only five. Jubilee came back lerr. but the rest still haven lehh. talking about that, i have a flu lehh, keep sneezing nowadays. :)

well, gtg lerr. dun think i'll be able to blog for the rest of this week and maybe next cause band start liao. ohshit ohshit ohshit. haiz... bubbye.

tag replies
cheery: I'll treat you back, but don't expect something expensive. erm.. how 'bout next fri? school ends at 10.30? and, XLS is really liddat one lorr, damn sarcastic also.
tessa: ya lorr, so suay. then have to make people copy somemore, feel so bad...
yihao: HArlo!! :D
camillia, hwee: HALLO! heys, when is next pv-outing? i'm waiting... haha. ;P
kinn: faster post! I wanna link ya! :)

I wish I could be standing at the beginning with you.
8:40 AM


Cheryl Loo Jya Ing
thirteened on 22 June
parkviewian dunmanian
in band ,
playing the oh-so-lovely Trumpet! <3

underline; strike.
italic; bold.

I wish... (:

[ ] at least 3.4 GPA for CA2 and EOY
[ ] ‘B’ for LA
[ ] 'A' for Geog
[x] Laptop
[ ] NDS
[ ] PSP slim
[ ] SE w995
[ ] Go out, go out and go out again!

Please leave a tag (but don't spam >.<). Thanks. :D


Dunmanians <3
1Drover (:
Anni (:
Bellerie (:
Chen Si (:
Cheryl NGieng! (:
HuaSheng (:
Isabel (:
Isabelle (:
Jun An (:
Michelle (:
Stephenie (:
Trumpets! (:
Vivian (:
Yunxuan (:
Zixin (:

Parkviewians <3
Andrea (:
Camillia (:
Charmaine (:
Cheery (:
Daphne (:
Dawn (:
MSG (:
Shih Hwee(:


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Imagehost: Photobucket
Basecodes: Cheryl
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July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009